Hotel Lutetia in paris

Hotel Lutetia is a modern-day reflection of the 'Belle Epoque' and Art Deco periods - the embodiment of contemporary, stylish Parisian living. The sculpted Art Deco facade and welcoming statue of Gustave Eiffel, along with pictures of artists that once lived in the hotel, are your first indications that Hotel Lutetia is something special - full of artistic surprises. A renowned meeting place for artists, writers and politicians, Hotel Lutetia's busy lobby has a lively edginess with displayed works of art by renowned contemporary artists Arman, Cesar, Philippe Hiquily, Perrin and Thierry Bisch. Surrounded by Art Deco architecture, period furniture, crystal chandeliers and the sounds of jazz music drifting through from the highly popular Lutetia Bar, you will find you are immersed in a truly Parisian atmosphere.